This portal provides trustees with consistent, accurate information based on the law and best practices. Trustees can view and refer to this information whenever they desire or need it. The online format provides a platform for trustees to watch at their own pace or to view it with other trustees in a group as part of a focused conversation.
The portal offers you the flexibility to shape your learning experience according to your preferences. Whether you prefer a structured approach, similar to online classes, or a more personalized journey focusing on the modules that interest you most, the choice is yours.
The modules are designed to equip you with the fundamental knowledge necessary to be an effective trustee. They serve as an excellent starting point for new trustees and a valuable refresher for all, regardless of their tenure.
However, suppose your board is concerned about following the rules for conducting an Open Meetings Act-compliant meeting. In that case, you might want to assign all members to watch the “How to Conduct an Open Meetings Act Compliant Board Meeting” and have a follow-up discussion at the next meeting. The portal is a resource; use it to suit your purposes and needs best.
Ideally, all board members will eventually view all modules and feel confident to revisit them as needed. But in reality, the most important thing is for you, the trustee, to find and utilize what is relevant to you at your point of need. Your feedback and interest will keep the portal vibrant and valuable for you and other trustees.
If only one trustee finds the portal useful and can utilize its value, it will be a success. However, the actual proof will come as more trustees use it and discover things that are helpful to them in performing their duties and supporting their library.
This portal was created to support and empower you, the trustees, in your crucial work for the library and the community. If it succeeds in doing so, then the mission has been accomplished.
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Join Us March 15th
Join us on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to learn how the iLEAD Trustee Learning Portal can help public library board members excel. Registering for a workshop requires a free account with Illinois’ Library Directory and Learning Calendar (L2) website....
Visit Our Virtual Booth @ IHLS Member Day
Reminder! Join Us for the Feb. 8 iLEAD Zoom Workshop
Join us on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to learn how the iLEAD Trustee Learning Portal can help public library board members excel. Registering for a workshop requires a free account with Illinois’ Library Directory and Learning Calendar (L2) website....